
Stingless Bee
Stingless Bee (Tetragonula carbonaria) Pollinators play an integral role in the world’s ecosystem as they facilitate the pollination process of many of the world’s flowering plants. For example, without pollinators such as bees, agricultural crops would cease to thrive, leading to the demise of the animals that rely on them for sustenance, including us! (BBC,
Grey-headed Flying-fox
Grey-headed Flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) 52 million years ago, our early mammal ancestors living on a hotter, drier planet, developed something remarkable…the power of flight! This group of mammals, the bats, have since diversified across the globe into over 1,200 species. Here in South East Queensland, they have evolved into a spectrum of sizes, shapes and
Plunkett Mallee
Plunkett Mallee (Eucalyptus curtisii) Connecting Communities Native Seed Project – 2023 Update Author: Nicholas Groenenberg Since 2016, Natura Pacific has headed up an amazing project in South East Queensland to save native seeds from development areas and grow them into young plants for conservation areas. To date, over 7 million seeds of 136 species have
So Much Plastic! We see it on our beaches, in our street gutters and storm drains, wedged in trees, behind bushes and even in the stomachs of dead animals, yet for some reason we still use massive amounts of single use plastic on a daily basis. Humanity has created over 8.3 billion tons of plastic
Bringing a beautiful big garden to a small space The Natura Pacific team were recently offered the very rewarding job of creating a beautiful vertical garden at the home of Lorraine and Patrick on the Gold Coast. After moving into a smaller home they found they missed their garden so much that they went searching
The end of another year is approaching and we would like to take a moment to say thank you! Thank you for working alongside us or being involved with us and the projects we work on. We would like to share with you a little video about what we all have been able to achieve…
Powerful Owl
Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) A sharp beak that can pierce the thickest of skin, talons capable of ripping flesh from the bone and a pair of eyes as strong as night-vision goggles. These abilities surely provide any bird of prey with an advantage to thrive in the forests of South East Queensland. But while these
Natura Pacific Back from the Brink

AAEE Feature Back from the Brink!

AAEE have shared our ‘Back from the Brink’ project in their latest ozEEnews… We were very proud to have an article about our video series ‘Back from the Brink’ published in the September issue of ‘ozEEnews’, the newsletter of the Australian Association for Environmental Education Inc. To find out more about this inspiring organisation take
Swamp Orchid
Swamp Orchid (Phaius australis) Once upon a time, huge tracts of the South East Queensland coastline were host to a thick, impenetrable forest of tea-tree swamps. This low-lying coastal land was a paradise for biodiversity with rich soils, plenty of water and luscious vegetation. It was also home to Australia’s tallest orchid. Standing at over