Is there anything more precious than fresh water?
Monday, 12 July 2021
by Natura Pacific
Well, the waterways that carry our freshwater through the landscape… Queensland’s waterways are incredibly precious! Our huge state has always been a dry place, but with future predicted climate scenarios, water may become even more scarce than before. Waterways throughout Queensland come in an array of sizes and forms: from small ephemeral wetlands, overland
- Published in Community, Consulting, Education
Tagged under:
catchments, coastal lakes, conservation, consulting, environment, freshwater lake, healthy waterways, SEQ Catchments, waterways, wetllands
Plunkett Mallee – Back from the Brink
Sunday, 28 April 2019
by Natura Pacific
Plunkett Mallee (Eucalyptus curtisii) Connecting Communities Native Seed Project – 2023 Update Author: Nicholas Groenenberg Since 2016, Natura Pacific has headed up an amazing project in South East Queensland to save native seeds from development areas and grow them into young plants for conservation areas. To date, over 7 million seeds of 136 species have
- Published in Back from the Brink, Education, Resources, Videos
Plastic in everyday life – Let’s reduce the use!
Friday, 26 April 2019
by Natura Pacific
So Much Plastic! We see it on our beaches, in our street gutters and storm drains, wedged in trees, behind bushes and even in the stomachs of dead animals, yet for some reason we still use massive amounts of single use plastic on a daily basis. Humanity has created over 8.3 billion tons of plastic
- Published in Education, Sustainable living
Swamp Orchid – Back from the Brink
Friday, 05 October 2018
by Natura Pacific
Swamp Orchid (Phaius australis) Once upon a time, huge tracts of the South East Queensland coastline were host to a thick, impenetrable forest of tea-tree swamps. This low-lying coastal land was a paradise for biodiversity with rich soils, plenty of water and luscious vegetation. It was also home to Australia’s tallest orchid. Standing at over
- Published in Back from the Brink, Education, GroNative, Resources, Videos
Tagged under:
beautiful, coast, conservation, endangered orchid, endangered plant, environment, flowers, orchid, queensland, swamp, swamp orchid
Koala – Back from the Brink
Thursday, 30 August 2018
by Natura Pacific
Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) Surely one of Australia’s most iconic species, the Koala is renowned for its sleepy nature and its love of gum leaves. This remarkable marsupial draws millions of visitors to our nation’s zoos and sanctuaries. But while we marvel at them in these isolated refuges are we missing the bigger picture? Outside of
- Published in Back from the Brink, Education, Resources, Videos
Tagged under:
Back from the Brink, conservation, cuddly, environment, Koala, koala conservation, koala habitat, Natura pacific, nature, save the koala, sleepy, steve phillips
World Environment Day – What is it all about?
Friday, 30 June 2017
by Natura Pacific
Just a week or two ago, we celebrated World Environment Day. Now, you’ve probably heard about “Earth Day”, but not as many of us have heard of “World Environment Day”. Why is that so? While both days have a similar objective, to help raise awareness for us all to help protect the environment, The are
- Published in Community, Education, Sustainable living
Natura Pacific features in ‘More Gold Coast’
Friday, 04 November 2016
by Natura Pacific
The work of Natura Pacific appeared recently in a feature article published by ‘More Gold Coast’. This article was a wonderful reflection of the achievements and initiatives that our small Gold Coast business has accomplished over the last 10 years as a result of the passion and enthusiasm of our small but dedicated team. Click here
- Published in Announcement, Community, Consulting, Education, Media
GroNATIVE – A new app to improve Queensland’s biodiversity
Friday, 30 September 2016
by Natura Pacific
Beginning in 2016, Natura Pacific, partnering with Griffith University, was successfully awarded a grant to create a brand new app for south-east Queensland. As part of the Labor Government’s ‘Advance Queensland’ initiative, this project seeks to provide innovative and exciting new technology for people in south-east Queensland to bring back native vegetation. From private urban gardens
- Published in Consulting, GroNative
VIDEO: Habitat for the future – a visit to the Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre nursery
Friday, 09 September 2016
by Natura Pacific
Join Mark and Desiree as they show you the fantastic work that is being done at the Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre growing native seedlings to restore our waterway habitat. The Connecting Community for Waterways project is undertaken as a service to the community, and focuses on students and community collecting native seeds to provide as a
- Published in Community, Consulting, Education, GroNative, Videos
VIDEO: The GroNATIVE App development caught on film
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
by Natura Pacific
The GroNATIVE app is happening and we are so excited! Take a sneak peek into some recent filming of the app’s development conducted here at Natura Pacific. The app, which is being created in collaboration with Griffith University, promotes the use of native plants in our gardens in order to improve biodiversity, reduce garden weed
- Published in Consulting, Education, GroNative, Sustainable living, Videos