Australian Lungfish – Back from the Brink
Friday, 16 July 2021
by Natura Pacific
Australian Lungfish ‘Neoceratodus forsteri’ Did you know that there is a remarkable fish that is still found in a small number of Queensland’s southern rivers, and it has recently been the centre of much attention… River fish have always been, and still are, an important food source for Australians. From tens of thousands of years
- Published in Back from the Brink, Consulting, Education, Videos
The Swamp Tea Tree (Melaleuca irbyana)
Tuesday, 31 January 2017
by Natura Pacific
Following on from a previous article titled ‘Extinction is forever – and it is happening all around us‘ we wanted to follow up throughout 2017 on a much more positive note: by undertaking a series of videos which showcase the incredible work of so many people, who put in tireless efforts to try and reverse
- Published in Back from the Brink, Education, Resources, Videos
VIDEO: An endangered oasis – Swamp Tea-tree forest of South-east Qld
Friday, 04 November 2016
by Natura Pacific
The Swamp Tea-tree (Melaleuca irbyana) Forest of South East Queensland has been listed under federal legislation as being ‘Critically Endangered’ as a result of this community having been extensively cleared from its natural range. Find out more information about this listing here. Join Mark as he visits one of the remaining remnants of this unique