GroNATIVE is given a ‘thumbs up’ by Hort Journal Australia
Wednesday, 31 May 2017
by Natura Pacific
It was wonderful to see the appearance of the new GroNATIVE app in the April edition of the well-known publication Hort Journal Australia. The article, written by reknowned Australian native plant expert Kate Heffernan (learn more about Kate and her work on her website), runs through the value that an app such as grow native
- Published in Announcement, Consulting, Education, GroNative, Media
Tagged under:
Botanic Gardens, gardening, gardening app, GroNATIVE, Hort Journal, Hort Journal Australia, horticulture, Kate Heffernan, native plants
Natura Education and All Saints Anglican College – Working together for our Environment
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
by Natura Pacific
The team at Natura Education are very lucky and proud to be involved in some great collaborative projects. One such project is the ongoing ‘Connecting Community for Waterways’ initiative. This project was undertaken as a service to the community which was focused on students and community collecting native seeds to provide as a resource to
- Published in Education, Nature Play