GroNATIVE app launched TODAY!
Tuesday, 21 February 2017
by Natura Pacific
Today saw the launch of the brand new GroNATIVE app designed for South East Queenslanders by Natura Pacific, Griffith University and the Queensland Government. The event was a great success with the Minister for Innovation the Honourable Ms Leeanne Enoch formally releasing the app to the public at Griffith University’s Red Zone at Southport. Natura
- Published in Announcement, Consulting, Education, GroNative, Sustainable living
VIDEO: Aussie plants are coming out of the dark with a native plant app
Thursday, 24 March 2016
by Natura Pacific
What if we could make use of our amazing Australian native plants for all types of gardening and landscaping? What if up and coming app technology was able to help us plan our gardens in such a way that we were contributing to conservation at the same time? Dr Mark Runkowski introduces an exciting
- Published in Consulting, Education, GroNative, Videos