Nerang River Catchment Study Guide – Gold Coast QLD
Friday, 30 September 2016
by Natura Pacific
Produced in 2011, the Nerang River Catchment Study Guide rolls together information on catchment health, environmental processes, cultural significance, water quality, catchment health assessment and monitoring procedures in a ‘user-friendly’ format for teachers and students. It also provides lesson plans including a catchment tour for teachers and students and work booklets for students from years 3
Through the Eyes of an Educator: Gold Coast Waterwatch for Term 2
Thursday, 13 August 2015
by Natura Pacific
Gold Coast Waterwatch is an education and community engagement program designed to develop knowledge around the human impacts on waterway health in Gold Coast Catchment areas. Together, we discuss what a catchment is and how the health of the waterway may be improved or depleted through human activities as well as working with students and