Stingless Bee – Back from the Brink
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
by Natura Pacific
Stingless Bee (Tetragonula carbonaria) Pollinators play an integral role in the world’s ecosystem as they facilitate the pollination process of many of the world’s flowering plants. For example, without pollinators such as bees, agricultural crops would cease to thrive, leading to the demise of the animals that rely on them for sustenance, including us! (BBC,
- Published in Back from the Brink, Education, Resources, Videos
Tagged under:
Alex Griffiths, Australian bee, bee, bee box, bee boxes, bee hive, native bee, Natura pacific, save the bees, stingless bee, Tim Heard
VIDEO: Native stingless bees – Adding brood to a budding box
Monday, 30 October 2017
by Natura Pacific
Once again we join Natura’s Director, and resident native bee expert, Kieran to learn more about keeping and caring for native stingless bees. In this video Kieran, with some help from his young son, shows you how to extract brood from an established hive to transfer into a budding box to create a whole new
- Published in Videos
Tagged under:
brood, hive budding, honey, Kieran Richardt, native bees, Natura pacific, save the bees, stingless bees
VIDEO: Native stingless bees – How to make a hive seperator
Thursday, 25 May 2017
by Natura Pacific
Another great video about how to care for a native bee hive. This time Kieran and his young son Beau show you how to make a hive seperator, along with how to install it and how it will benefit your own native bee hive. To see our other videos about our wonderful native bees take a
- Published in Education, Resources, Sustainable living, Videos
Tagged under:
hive budding, hive recovery, hive seperator, hive splitting, native bees, Natura pacific, save the bees, stingless bees
VIDEO: Budding a native bee hive
Thursday, 27 April 2017
by Natura Pacific
Join Kieran and Bastian as they show you how to ‘bud’ a native bee hive. By budding a hive you can essentially create two hives from the one and so double the chances of survival for a settlement of native stingless bees that needs to be relocated due to clearing activities. If you would like
- Published in Education, Resources, Sustainable living, Videos
VIDEO: Native stingless bees – Rescue and recovery (Part 2)
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
by Natura Pacific
Welcome back to our video series all about the translocation of a hive of native stingless bees. This is part 2 of a five part series (click on these links to see Part 1, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5). In this video Kieran runs through what equipment he is preparing for the rescue and
- Published in BushCam, Consulting, Education, Videos
VIDEO: Native stingless bees – Rescue and recovery (Part 1)
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
by Natura Pacific
Did you know that Australia has it’s very own native bees? They are much smaller and harder to spot than the traditional honey bees that have been introduced here, nor do they deliver the sometimes nasty sting that their Europen cousins do. In fact our native bees are a critically important part of the ecological
- Published in BushCam, Consulting, Sustainable living, Videos