We at Natura have been working on an exciting new project recently for Gold Coast Waterwatch that we simply can’t wait to share with all and sundry!
Haven’t heard of Waterwatch? Well, Gold Coast Waterwatch is a community service initiated and supported by the City of Gold Coast that engages with early learning centres, primary schools, high schools, community groups and community events to educate participants on the importance of healthy waterways and catchments. As well as working to improve awareness and providing education for students of all ages, Gold Coast Waterwatch also assists in collecting data on local waterways through chemical testing, biological indicators and habitat assessments of waterways in local catchment areas.
Now teachers, students, scientists and members of the community will all benefit from an exciting new resource that has been developed under the Waterwatch banner. Hot off the press is the new Waterways Field Guide Series 1: Water Bugs! This brand new field guide will become an invaluable tool for budding or seasoned biologists to use in the field as they explore the wonders of their local waterway.
Waterways Field Guide Series 1: Water Bugs is published as a deck of high quality, full colour cards designed to be used in the field to accurately identify the variety of water bugs (or aquatic macro-invertebrates) that may be found. Covering forty-four different bugs, the field guide features high quality photographs, well-researched information on appearance, habits and adaptations of each water bug, as well as the sensitivity each creature to pollution or adverse conditions in the waterway. The guide also features background information about the importance of our catchments, the Waterwatch program itself and how to undertake water bug surveys and what they tell us about the quality and health of our waterways.
At this stage the field guide will be distributed to Gold Coast schools and libraries over the coming months but if you or your organisation are interested in purchasing a copy (with all profits going back into the Gold Coast Waterwatch program) then please contact us at info@natura-pacific.com to express your interest.
Even better… it doesn’t end here! Stay tuned for the release of Series 2, 3 and 4 of the Waterways Field Guide that are well on their way! Watch this space…