Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua)
A sharp beak that can pierce the thickest of skin, talons capable of ripping flesh from the bone and a pair of eyes as strong as night-vision goggles. These abilities surely provide any bird of prey with an advantage to thrive in the forests of South East Queensland. But while these remarkable birds may be adept hunters, the forests they live in have changed dramatically. Now more and more of these birds live and raise their young in our city suburbs, but this urban lifestyle has brought many problems. This is the story of the Powerful Owl.
This episode focuses on the Powerful Owl, which is Australia’s largest owl and one of our most majestic birds of prey. We join Dr Rob Clemens from BirdLife Australia who tells the story of this remarkable bird and what we can do to help by taking part in a huge nationwide project to protect the species. We can even get involved during our Christmas holidays!
If you would like to get involved please email: powerfulowl-bris@birdlife.org.au
If you would like to learn more you can listen to our podcast on the resource page.