Brunei Mangrove Management and Conservation Study in Lubu Forest Area – Brunei Darussalam
Friday, 30 September 2016
by Natura Pacific
In 2013 Natura Pacific were engaged to develop and implement rapid site assessment methodology to assess and classify the condition of mangroves and potential sustainable harvesting practices in the Lubu Forest Area for the purpose of supporting mangrove management into the future. The assessment specifically required the identification, classification and mapping of mangrove vegetation and
- Published in Consulting
Fly me to the moon! Migratory shorebirds are flying for their lives
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
by Natura Pacific
Most people may have never heard of the Bar-tailed Godwit, yet it is a far superior flying machine than any man-made aircraft. Holding the world record for the longest non-stop flight at 11 000 kilometres, this tiny brown bird during it’s lifetime will have flown the distance to the moon! Every year, around 5 million
- Published in Community