The Swamp Tea Tree (Melaleuca irbyana)
Tuesday, 31 January 2017
by Natura Pacific
Following on from a previous article titled ‘Extinction is forever – and it is happening all around us‘ we wanted to follow up throughout 2017 on a much more positive note: by undertaking a series of videos which showcase the incredible work of so many people, who put in tireless efforts to try and reverse
- Published in Back from the Brink, Education, Resources, Videos
VIDEO: A rare find in Logan – Melaleuca irbyana
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
by Natura Pacific
Our Natura Consulting field team share with you a rare find as they come across the endangered native swamp tea-tree (Melaleuca irbyana) during vegetation surveys in Logan. To find out how we can help you with the environmental management of your project contact us today, or take a look at the Consulting services we offer.