VIDEO: You can introduce this threatened species to your garden with GroNATIVE!
Friday, 24 February 2017
by Natura Pacific
Growing native plants in your garden has the potential to not only create a beautiful environment but can also have so many benefits for your local biodiversity. In fact some of our beautiful native plants could use your help as some of them are not doing so well out there in the wild due to
- Published in Consulting, Education, GroNative, Sustainable living, Videos
GroNATIVE app launched TODAY!
Tuesday, 21 February 2017
by Natura Pacific
Today saw the launch of the brand new GroNATIVE app designed for South East Queenslanders by Natura Pacific, Griffith University and the Queensland Government. The event was a great success with the Minister for Innovation the Honourable Ms Leeanne Enoch formally releasing the app to the public at Griffith University’s Red Zone at Southport. Natura
- Published in Announcement, Consulting, Education, GroNative, Sustainable living
VIDEO: Native stingless bees – Rescue and recovery (Part 5)
Sunday, 19 February 2017
by Natura Pacific
In this final video of our 5 part series on rescue and recovery of some native stingless bees Kieran talks about the progress of the hive once it was removed from the development site and how some unexpected challenges lay ahead for this little colony of bees. In case you missed them, click on these
- Published in BushCam, Consulting, Videos
Natura Pacific recognised at the 2016 Queensland Premier’s Sustainability Awards
Tuesday, 17 January 2017
by Natura Pacific
A big thank you to Blank GC for recently sharing an article covering Natura Pacific’s recent recognition in the annual Queensland Premier’s Sustainability Awards for 2016. The team here at Natura were honoured to receive a ‘Highly Commended’ award in recognition of our achievements in sustainability and contributions to the community and the environment. Take
- Published in Announcement, Consulting, Education, Media
Tagged under:
awards, Blank GC, Highly commended, Queensland Premier, small business, Sustainability Awards
VIDEO: Native stingless bees – Rescue and recovery (Part 4)
Monday, 09 January 2017
by Natura Pacific
In this video (part 4 of 5 videos) we watch as Mark and Kieran work together to cut the tree that contains a native bee hive so that it can be safely and carefully relocated away from the clearing works that would have otherwise have seen this hive destroyed. In this case the skilled work
- Published in BushCam, Consulting, Videos
Natura Pacific in 2016 – A small team doing BIG things
Wednesday, 21 December 2016
by Natura Pacific
2016 has been a big year for the team here at Natura Pacific, and apart from the variety of wonderful projects, partners and collaborators we have been involved with, some of the highlights have included the recognition of the work we do through several prestigious awards. The Waterways Field Guide Project was a joint initiative
- Published in Announcement, Consulting, Education, Sustainable living
Tagged under:
2016 awards, awards, Finalist, Healthy Waterways & Catchements, healthy waterways awards, Highly commended, natura consulting, Natura education, Natura pacific, Peter Doherty Awards, Qld Premier's Sustainability Awards, social enterprise, STEM, STEm Education Partnership Award, sustainability, United Nations, winner, World Environmnet Day Awards
VIDEO: Native stingless bees – Rescue and recovery (Part 3)
Monday, 12 December 2016
by Natura Pacific
In this third video of the series, Kieran shows how the native beehive is prepared in the field for translocation away from its current site, which is due to be cleared for development. In this way the bees, and any other fauna located in this area will be carefully relocated to another location prior to
- Published in BushCam, Consulting, Videos
VIDEO: Native stingless bees – Rescue and recovery (Part 2)
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
by Natura Pacific
Welcome back to our video series all about the translocation of a hive of native stingless bees. This is part 2 of a five part series (click on these links to see Part 1, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5). In this video Kieran runs through what equipment he is preparing for the rescue and
- Published in BushCam, Consulting, Education, Videos
Getting amongst it – Natura attend some inspiring events
Friday, 18 November 2016
by Natura Pacific
The Natura Pacific team have had a busy couple of months and have been lucky enough to have been invited to be a part of several events, some local and some further afield. Here is a quick run down of what happened at the 2016 Gold Coast Landcare Forum, the 2016 Banksia Awards Finalists’ Announcement
- Published in Back from the Brink, Community, Consulting, Education
VIDEO: Native stingless bees – Rescue and recovery (Part 1)
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
by Natura Pacific
Did you know that Australia has it’s very own native bees? They are much smaller and harder to spot than the traditional honey bees that have been introduced here, nor do they deliver the sometimes nasty sting that their Europen cousins do. In fact our native bees are a critically important part of the ecological
- Published in BushCam, Consulting, Sustainable living, Videos