Yarrabilba City

EPBC Act Koala Habitat and Offset Monitoring

Since 2011 and ongoing, Natura Consulting has worked alongside Lendlease Communities in producing and implementing an overarching Koala habitat and offset management strategy for the 2,012 ha new satellite city of Yarrabilba in Logan. To date, the project has seen the production of Federal Government-required Koala impact mitigation plans and reporting, and the implementation of ongoing extensive rehabilitation and long-term monitoring works in order to uphold the legal requirements of the development relating to Koala conservation. This has included establishing nearly 200 habitat and offset area long-term monitoring transects to record data on the ecosystem health of retained natural vegetation as Koala habitat, the delivery of all required State and Federal government reporting and timelines, local-scale community education programs, the design of Koala movement and road-passage infrastructure and the creation of a production-line of Koala habitat and food trees to be rehabilitated into the city Fauna and Greenspace Corridors. This project has been one of the largest we have completed to date and involves many hundreds of members of governance, private industry, business owners and the community in safeguarding this important species to co-exist in this growing community.